We’ve built a campaign that’s secured £10bn from the Government to make homes safe up and down the country.
We’re facing high rents, dangerous high rises, soaring mortgage rates and fewer affordable homes. I’m fighting to make sure developers with deep pockets put people before profit.
I’ve worked to make sure small businesses get a fairer deal.
I work with organisations to get more working class young adults into established companies.
When we’re cooking warm meals and providing warm places for those who afford can’t either, something’s gone wrong. This Government has failed us, and now we need them out.
I live with a doctor – nurses and people like him shouldn’t have to rely on food banks – we need to better protect the people who keep our NHS running.
I’m campaigning to get better buses in underserved areas.
We need more money for teachers and to rebuild our school infrastructure.
I’ve seen how our communities have been ignored by national and regional Governments, I got the Tories to pay attention and pay up £10bn to make clad homes safe and I’m going use my profile to bring focus and funding back to our towns and villages.